Social Studies
The Global History and Geography core curriculum is designed to focus on the five social studies standards, common themes that recur across time and place, and seven historical eras. This curriculum provides students with the opportunity to explore key developments in various regions and civilizations. In addition, it enables them to investigate issues and themes from multiple perspectives and make global connections that lead to in-depth understanding. As students explore the five social studies standards, they will have the opportunity to explore the content and intellectual skills of these disciplines.
The Global History and Geography core curriculum is designed to focus on the five social studies standards, common themes that recur across time and place, and seven historical eras. This curriculum provides students with the opportunity to explore key developments in various regions and civilizations. In addition, it enables them to investigate issues and themes from multiple perspectives and make global connections that lead to in-depth understanding. As students explore the five social studies standards, they will have the opportunity to explore the content and intellectual skills of these disciplines. This course of study will prepare students for the NYS Comprehensive Regents Examination that is administered TO ALL STUDENTS. The Regents Examination will count as 20% of the final average.
This course is a chronological study of American History and Government with an emphasis on constitutional concerns. The course emphasizes American History from industrialization to the present day. The last unit investigates the people, social institutions, cultural values, and the United States in the global community. Library research projects requiring higher level thinking skills are assigned. This course of study will prepare students for the NYS Comprehensive Regents Examination that is administered TO ALL STUDENTS. The Regents Examination will count as 20% of the final average.
ECONOMICS (SOC 422) ½ Credit
This course will introduce economics and economic systems. Students will learn basic economics such as scarcity, supply and demand, pricing, the political and social impact of social decisions today, trade-offs, specialization and productivity, and interdependence of the world's economic systems. This course will stress the roles of the citizen as consumer, worker, investor and voter in today's economy. The use of social skills to understand and make economic decisions will be emphasized. Critical thinking skills and problem solving will be applied to the study of economics.
LAW & GOVERNMENT (SOC 425) ½ Credit
Through the study of law-related education, the students will understand how citizens interact with government in the development of public policy. The course's goal is to have students become responsible and capable members of a democratic society. Students will focus on the interaction between citizens and town, county and state governments. Students will learn the criminal justice system and how policy is made within the legal system.