STUDIO IN ART (ART 101) 1 Credit
A comprehensive one-year foundation course in the Visual Arts, Studio in Art is designed to satisfy the NYS Art requirement for high school graduation. This course is required for Art majors seeking to complete a five-year sequence in Visual Arts. Students acquire the necessary skills and techniques for art production, study art history, the worlds of master artists and gain insight into art criticism and aesthetic theory. An acceptable portfolio of 7-10 pieces of artwork in various media is required to successfully complete the course.
CRAFTS 1 (ART 102) ½ Credit
This course is designed to explore and define the historical 19th Century Crafts Movement. As a result of taking Crafts, students will gain a better understanding of what crafts are, and how it became an integral part of American society. In this class students will work with a variety of materials including clay, tile, fabric, and paper to create projects such as candle holders, wind chimes, greeting cards, bookbinding and illuminations. This course cannot be used to satisfy the one credit arts graduation requirement.
CRAFTS 2 (ART 103) ½ Credit
This course is designed to build on the skills and techniques taught in Crafts 1. Projects used may include beadwork, jewelry making, batik, ceramics, tile work and reclaimed art. In addition, this class will focus on crafts as part of our society and commercial industry by implementing the creation of design, display and marketing.
Students will learn about homeowner, automobile, health and life insurance. Consumer rights, investment opportunities and how to plan for retirement is also discussed. These skills will enable students to become self-sufficient and financially independent. Helping students to become knowledgeable consumers will enable them to make the best use of their resources. A computer simulation will focus on finance and money management. Concepts learned in this class will be reinforced by guest speakers from the business world.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to explore a variety of careers by completing interest and value surveys. Competencies needed for success in both the workplace and the home will be stressed. Financial analysts worry that Americans’ spending and savings habits have seriously damaged their financial futures. To ensure our students are financially literate, they will be expected to reconcile checking accounts, understand the pros and cons of credit, complete a tax return and gain knowledge of banking services. A computer simulation will focus on finance and money management. Concepts learned in this class will be reinforced by guest speakers from the business world.
Students will be introduced to the business of sports. Topics include: management leadership styles, special events management, facilities management, managing professional sports, sports ethics, Title IX and bias in sports. Students should be able to work in small groups and conduct independent research. Internet activities, guest speakers, and field trips complete the student’s experience.
WEB DESIGN (OCC 120) ½ Credit
In this one semester course, students will become familiar with basic web design programs and scripting languages. This course will focus on HTML, and XHTML. Students will learn how to layout an ethical web site and learn the importance of navigational ease of web sites. Students must have organizational skills, knowledge of the keyboard, and an understanding of the computer. This course can be used for a technology or business concentration.
WEB ANIMATION (OCC 123) ½ Credit
In this one semester course, students who would like to pursue a career in Internet and mobile app design will create complex web sites through an introduction to mobile apps using the software applications Flash CS6. Through an introduction to app design, students will create interactive animations using Flash CS6. This includes advanced HTML techniques and Action Scripting. Students will learn the fundamentals of user interface design, touch controls, graphics editing, app design/implementation and integration with the web application Dreamweaver. This course can be used for a technology or business concentration.
If you are interested in fashion trends, styles or pursuing a career in the fashion industry, this class is for you. This project based course introduces you to the world of fashion; along with fashion history, textiles, personal appearance, clothing design and redesign, selection, construction and evaluation of ready-made garments. Students will learn basic hand and machine sewing techniques while exploring fashion design, retail management and other career opportunities. Field trips may be taken to local fashion exhibits. *This course may be applied toward the mandatory 1 credit Art/Music Graduation Requirement in conjunction with Housing and Interior Design.
This project based course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors, while allowing the students to explore their creativity. Projects are integrated throughout the course to provide applications of housing styles and trends, furniture styles and placement, design and function of space, and designing floor plans. Students will also explore the many careers available in this field. *This course may be applied toward the mandatory 1 credit Art/Music Graduation Requirement in conjunction with Fashion Design and Apparel Construction.
This is an introductory course for the beginner chef that covers all the basics of food preparation with a focus on nutritional awareness. Topics include ingredients, nutrients, cooking methods, terminology, equipment, and procedures. The class includes lecture, demonstration and participation in basic food production (including the preparation of eggs, batters, vegetables, starches, pizza, cookies and cakes). Students will also explore careers in the food service industry. Field trips, food demonstrations and guest speakers enhance the curriculum.